Thursday, April 23, 2015

Making a difference

Luke 7:1-3
“When Jesus had finished saying all this in the hearing of the people, he entered Capernaum. 2 There a centurion's servant, whom his master valued highly, was sick and about to die.” NIV

Being a value adder is nothing but being someone that makes a difference, a good difference.  The Scripture in Matthew 5 that we saw yesterday, says that you are a light, therefore shine. It says you are like a city
set on a hill, you cannot be hid; so make a difference you already have been put out there for people to see. So what are the things you can do?

1.     You must be a highly skilled worker
2.     You must be a problem solver
3.     You must know how to be a team player and you must play in line with the over all vision of the organization.
4.     You must be a learning worker, acquiring the knowledge necessary for your productivity.
5.     You must be performing, delivering results.
6.     You must be profitable to the place
7.     You must be faithful.
8.     You must be quick to serve.
9.     You must be trustworthy, you must be faithful.
10.  You must be able to work without supervision
11.  You must take ownership of your own development.

You have it you to make a difference where you, make Jesus proud by just doing that.

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