Wednesday, November 6, 2013

What constitutes a true marriage? Part 2

“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him”. Gen 2:18

Marriage is  a perfect example of how close and intimate God wants man and his relationship to Him to be. That is why you cannot have a  true marriage when both of you don’t have a relationship with God. True marriage consist of a triangle consisting of man, woman and God.

True marriage must involve a man and a woman, and what make these people to stick together is that both of them are looking up to God. What makes marriage work is  not the wisdom of either  spouse but  their connectivity  to the God factor. It is as both of you love God
that you will be flowing into each other; If God aspect is missing in relationship you are like a house without a roof, you are exposed to every element; rather than you have peace at home you have storm in its full rage.

The reason why some people get married  and keep struggling  for years  is because their obedience is not fulfilled in one aspect of the triangle- man, woman - God. The bible says when your obedience is complete you will be able to avenge all disobedience. In other words whatever the enemy is trying to make to work in disobedience against God’s counsel, God’s word- as far as your life is concerned will avenge.

When your marriage triangle is incomplete, determine to do whatever it takes, God wants to set things right for us. It does not matter how you started with your marriage you can make amends when God shows you  what to do because God is not a wicked God. He  did not create marriage to punish you, He created marriage for you to have a glimpse of heaven  and you can have that heaven on earth. Choose to have it, to stand for it, to expect it  and it will be so. 
If you have not married before, you need to check with your spouse:  How is God in this person’s life?  Is he/ she born again? If they are not born again , you better run for dear life.

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