Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Heb 11:5
By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death;

Let us revisit faith and the supernatural life because I use the example of death, this might throw some people off. But when you read through Hebrews chapter eleven, you cannot dispute that faith will take you to the realms of supernatural living. Is it Abraham and Sarah that had a child when it was naturally impossible for them to have one. 

Did you read what I just said, “naturally impossible”? Or the children of Israel who crossed the red sea on dry ground with an army bearing down on them to destroy them, who were eventually destroyed under the same red sea. 

What more shall we say of Noah who by faith saved his whole family from a flood that destroyed the whole earth or David who killed a man by the name Goliath who surpassed David in terms of experience when it comes to war. If in all your experiences in life, you cannot lay claim to bypassing the natural, then begin today. Let me share an experience with you. 

When we were to have our first son, doctors diagnosed my wife with fibroid and also that the baby was in a breach, when she was seven months gone. Well, I cursed the fibroid and commanded the baby to be in the right position for delivery at the appropriate time. When it was time for the baby to come, fibroid had disappeared and baby was properly positioned for delivery. Glory to God!

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