Friday, September 11, 2015


Gal 5:22-23
“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.”

1 Cor 12:9
“To another faith by the same Spirit; to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit.”

We must know that there is faith as a fruit, there is also faith as a gift of the Spirit. The fruit of faith is for your own personal use that you can make use of anytime you so desire. However the gift of faith only operates as and when the Spirit of God wills, it is for public ministry. 

You can’t just decide I will manifest the gift of faith now. The faith you need for your own personal use can cause you to enter into every inheritance that God has for you as a person. So you need not worry that there may be things for which you require the use of faith, the gift of the Spirit. 

Remember the Scriptures say, if you have faith and doubt not you shall not only do that which is done to the fig tree but also if ye shall say unto this mountain be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done. (Matthew 21:21)Whereas, the faith for personal use comes by hearing the word of God, the faith as gift of the Spirit is dropped into the heart at a moment in time for a particular purpose. 

Don’t ever disturb yourself that you will not have the necessary for to use when you need it. (read again the material for yesterday if you missed it)

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