Monday, September 21, 2015


Hebrews 10:23(KJV)

“Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised.”

“Let's keep a firm grip on the promises that keep us going. He always keeps his word.” (MSG)

Still on holding fast the confession of our faith, the next thing I believe should be on the list of things you make confession about should be the fact of your being a new creation and what may also be termed new creation realities. 
I know this practically covers everything in the new testament but there are key Scriptures that you can build your confession. Scriptures like 2Corinthians 5:17; Romans 8:1&2 and others speak of your position in Christ Jesus. What is normally referred to as the “in him, in whom, etc” scriptures.

Then you also need to hold fast your confession about the love of God, that God loves you and also about the expression of His love through you. You can also add to that about the goodness of God, that God is absolutely good is something that only very few believers are absolute about in their faith. 

I say so because, some still believe God allowed some evil to come to their lives for a reason. I may not understand everything, but I accept the words of Psalm 73:1, “Only — good to Israel [is] God, to the clean of heart…” (YLT)
Did you see that? It says God is ONLY good to Israel, and to those of a clean heart. I can hear someone say aha, you see I am not Israel neither am I clean in my heart. Well, the Scriptures says you are spiritual Israel and if Jesus is your Saviour, then there is no condemnation. So say this to yourself, “God is ONLY good to me”.

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