Mark 5:29 “And straight way the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.”
Faith comes before feeling. A lot of times people want to feel it first before they believe they are healed. You see faith comes before feeling.
If you are waiting to feel it first, faith is not present. You have to believe you are healed first before you feel healed.
You have to believe you are filled with the Holy Ghost first before you can speak in other tongues. You have to believe you are prosperous first before you feel prosperity.
In our text the woman was healed first before she felt healing in her body.
Confession for today:
I believe right now according to God’s word I am blessed. I am healed and I am prosperous. It is not according to how I feel or what I see but according to God’s word.
As you have believed so shall it be unto you in Jesus name.
Read through the Bible in one year (As it occurs in real time)
Jan 31: Ex 4-6
By Rev. Elekima Ekine