“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him”. Gen 2:18
The highest form of relationship God set on earth is marriage, to show how He wants to relate with us. It is the greatest symbolization of love that God has for man and the relationship He wants to have with man. Three things that constitutes marriage stands on a triangle it must have legal sanction, social or traditional acceptance and religious support. Marriage is a relationship in which a man and woman pledge to be husband and wife having been sanctioned out socially, legally and religiously. Sometimes, some people think it is not necessary to have all in place but if one aspect of this
The highest form of relationship God set on earth is marriage, to show how He wants to relate with us. It is the greatest symbolization of love that God has for man and the relationship He wants to have with man. Three things that constitutes marriage stands on a triangle it must have legal sanction, social or traditional acceptance and religious support. Marriage is a relationship in which a man and woman pledge to be husband and wife having been sanctioned out socially, legally and religiously. Sometimes, some people think it is not necessary to have all in place but if one aspect of this